Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Quite Moments

quite moments in the mornings at the kijaro house

Life is crazy, no matter who you ask, everyone is busy. I am no exception. Sometimes I feel like I am in a circus, with trapeze artists, jugglers, clowns, horses, monkeys, and many many ring leaders. I feel that throughout the day I change rolls. I might be the clown for a second and then end up riding upside down on a horse trying to make it look easy. Its non stop, and really its all a show, a game. 

We all live in our own circus, and sometimes its a blast, and other times you wish the curtain would just close for a day, and let you and your world, catch up. You wish that you could just take time out for you and then take a moment to reflect. 

What I am learning, and that has been a journey across the past few months is, that it doesn't just stop, you have to make it. 

You have to find time within your circus, to sit, reflect and enjoy how far you have come. It really does wonders for you. I was always under the belief that you have to keep going, keep pushing and keep working. But recently I have found, that if you don't stop, and don't rest, and don't take time for you, then the circus game will consume you. 

Although I know all of this, and I am learning I need to reflect and slow down (sometimes), it is still a very hard thing to do. I still feel guilty when I spend a day not working on something. But you have to take a different view. If you spend time with a loved one, its working on your relationship. If you spend time by yourself, its working on your creativity, or your mental health. Lately I have been trying to take time to journal, draw, or even just sit with a cup of tea and reflect. Just to work on myself a little bit, and you know what, I have been joying those little moments. 

I have found in our house, the best time to do this for me is in the mornings. The sun is rising, the light is beautiful, the world is quite, and everyone in our house is still asleep (except for me). It has been lovely to boil the jug, make a cup of tea and sit, by myself and reflect. 

I have found that by doing this I realise that life really isn't that bad, the circus is entertaining and that through out my life so far I have done ok (sometimes, you are your own worst critic). Sure I have faults, and sure things are perfect, but you know what, thats ok, I am on this journey, and if you want to change something, there is no time like the present. The other thing that I have learnt is you need to dream. You need to have goals and  you need to grab them with both hands. If you don't strive for your dreams and do something every day to help get you there, no one else will! 

You have a one life and you can build it into what ever you want to. 

You are the only one holding you back!

So grab a cuppa, and sit for a moment this morning, take time out from your circus and enjoy the moment you have, however fleeting and reflect, dream and plan. It will give you a new perspective to start the day with and a new perspective to create the rest of your life!

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Fear of the Digital World.

Now don't get me wrong, the digital world that we have is amazing! We have instant access to our friends and family across the globe (both the ones we know personally and the ones we know through their online profiles). We have the joys of sharing moments on instagram, blogs and email. You can instantly 'google' it to get the answer you want in just 10 seconds flat. And I am the first to say that I love all of it. We are so very lucky to have this access, however building the kijaro presence in the digital world scares me silly. 

Recently the lovely Amy from the typesmitheryeffect built me a website using an e-commerce site, I was so lucky that I really didn't have to do much, except list items and put in my terms and conditions (which actually took me 4 months, due to the above mentioned fear). A few weeks ago we discovered a flaw in the website which could not be fixed except for paying a third party check out system, which I didnt want to do. 

This has lead to, in the past week a total restructure of the website. The taking down of the old website, putting up a landing page, finding a new ecommerce store, and new website and soon to be new blog. While this is all exciting and a new opportunity to learn, the digital world terrifies me. I don't know if it is because I cant touch it or hold it, or I cant just cut and paste, but in all honesty it sends fear running through my veins! I think it might be because I don't understand it.. code, html, terms and conditions, sub-domains, ecommerce, links and all the other techno jargon! 

Put me in someones garage and tell me to rummage and I'm in heaven, tell me to build a website and I will run faster than a vintage treasure hunter heading to an estate!

My head has been spinning, but something crazy has happened, I have found it quite rewarding trying to do it myself. Yesterday I spoke with the VERY help full tech guru on my hosting website, (who I think secretly wanted me not to have my hosting with them) to assist me to get a landing page up with a shop link, to the new kijaro shop site and have also started to set up the new website. I have been receiving guidance from Amy, but all in all, I have been doing it all myself. Changing code, taking photos, editing them photoshop, finding templates and you know what, it still scares me but  I am so proud I am doing it myself.

I have control (sort of, despite the moments of running to hide under my vintage hospital bed, rocking back and forward, wishing I could just cut and paste my website with paper and glue), I am starting to understand it all (even if it just a little bit), and feeling like a bit of a tech nerd (until I find a word or concept I just don't understand!). I have a long way to go, but its getting there, so this lead me to the exciting stuff! 

Keep an eye out on the shop for new treasures popping up, and also keep an eye on the website. Its all systems go here at kijaro, and Im so very glad to share it with you all!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Big week ahead; Twilight Treasure Hunting and Birthday Celebrations.

it is a very exciting week ahead in the kijaro house. with a number of things ahead its going to be all systems go. with amy and i both coming down with the flu this weekend it has been a tough couple of days fighting the urge to do things in preparation for the exciting events ahead and physically not being able to stand for too long before my eyes close and tell me to sleep. i have never been one to cope well with being sick, tending to fight my way through it with all cylinders firing (or wishing they were). but this weekend has proved to me that sometimes you have to give in and stop, after a spot of treasure hunting (of course!) to try and make you feel just a bit better. 

some of the loot from yesterdays treasure hunting adventure.

anyway, enough of that i seriously cant wait to share with you the 2 exciting events that are happening next week!!!

firstly we have our twilight vintage treasure hunt on Thursday night and we are joining forces with Julie from vintage for the minx. we have a wonderful selection of vintage available from sheets, furniture, bags, clothes, crockery, fabric, artwork, lamps and who knows what else! if you missed the pop up shop why not come along and have a glass of wine, a bite of cheese and come and have a chat! also if you do have someone who you think might like to come along, why not make a night of it, the more the merrier. don't forget that basket to fill up with vintage goodies on the night. we will have both cash and eft available so we are covering all bases. 

also its my birthday next weekend and plans have been put in place for a high tea followed by a cocktail pyjama party on saturday. i have been working pinterest like crazy, especially since i have been bailed up on the couch this week. you can check out the party planning inspiration board here. i am going for a lolly bar and sweet station and have been window shopping online for a glass drink dispenser and a lot of other things that i really don't need but would love! i have been fossicking around the house this weekend to find jars, bottles, cake plates and other treasures  bunting, ribbon, signs, tea cups and other splendid things to use on the table. i think lolly shopping is on the books this week as well. 

i hope you have a great week and i hope to see some of you at the twilight treasure hunt on thursday! 

image sources available through pinterest board; party styling

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Home love. x

its a funny thing, when i was at home with my parents my space (my room and studio) was a treasure trove, but with limited storage and space it was a mismatched squashed arrary of delightful things. now that i have been in my lovely home for nearly 2 years now (which has come around so quickly) i have learnt to love my space, respect it and use it as a canvas to show off all the treasures i have collected and let the house move with my needs. 

sometimes though, you just need that little fire cracker to get you going. some time ago the lovely Hannah from Lost in wishful thinking approached me to photography my home. i was so excited and so petrified at the same time (buying, selling and collecting vintage isnt always as tidy as everyone thinks!), as well as this with vintage fairs, deadlines and life some sections, in particular my studio, hadnt made it to magazine perfection. 

given a deadline, which i moved a couple of times, a fortnight ago Hannah came over and visited, we had tea and chats, and i shared stories of treasures collected and how much of a small world it really is, with everyone knowing everyone. i was so excited to share my home, and also so grateful for the gentle push i was given to turn my storage studio into a beautiful space i can share with people and get my creative juices flowing. 

Hannah did such an amazing job, as you can see below or through her blog here. she is looking for homes to photograph for her blog, so if you have a great house, or need a deadline to work to make a great home get in touch with Hannah.

i hope you all enjoy the images as much as i do. 

kijaro x

my charming Dad

Friday, January 18, 2013

The Good Night Lamp

Doing a little research this morning and stumbled across this cute little idea from the guys at the Good Night Lamp team. Isn't it just a simple but effective way of sharing your presence with someone special who is on the other side of the world. Who would your give a Good Night Lamp too?